Thursday 27 October 2011

Hand rearing lambs,-Larry the lamb and his new friend, Bob!

Recently the sheep that are grazing on Lucys land have started lambing. All those cute tiny lambs popping out here and there! Of course some lucky mothers have twins, but unluckily they will usually reject one if they feel that they don't have enough milk or that something is wrong internally. This happened to one lamb that we took onto ourselves to hand rear. We named him Larry and he had a lovely but sadly short life dying at just 3 and a half weeks from the all too common bloat. Only 2 in 10 hand reared lambs will survive but Larry had already made a impact on our lives with his cute chubby checks and pleading baaa.
A few weeks later another lamb got rejected and we thought that we might aswell give him a bit of loving even if he does die. Our hopes were low but he is now 5 days old and doing well. We named him Larry after the first. Then barely a whole day later another lamb was rejected from twins and is now Larrys best friend! We named him Bob! Larry and Bob will hopefully have a long and privileged life, cross fingers, touch wood!


  1. Your lambs are so cute Lucy!

  2. Hi Lucy and Ellie! love your blog! Bob and larry are so cute. FROM KARLA!
